Friday, January 11, 2013

Your 2013 Goals and Resolutions!

There are times my alarm goes off and I cringe...  how is it ALREADY 5:00 am?!  Somehow those 8 hours at night go really FAST!  99% of mornings, I hit snooze... like 3 or 4 times... before dragging my butt out of bed!  I throw on running clothes, get downstairs, eat a banana, and stretch.  This gets me out the door by 6:05 am... ok, 6:10 am.

While I'm running, I never think about getting back in bed and sleeping!  It's the craziest thing in the world, how I am so tired but once I get that first mile in, I'm feeling like a champ!  The rush I get from running really is so awesome!   Especially in the winter.  Snow, wind, ice... layered with thermal gear, face masks, hats, ear protectors, gloves, butt warming pants, 2 layers of socks... people look at me like I'm crazy!  The other day a lady yelled; "Get a gym membership!"

Sometimes, that first step out the door really is the most difficult!  That's why I'm so thankful for the friends that have joined my running group!  Talk about GREAT accountability!  When I know other people are showing up at my house around 6 am, that kicks my butt in gear real fast!  Kudos to those of you who are in the gym at 5 am!  I do not know how you stay motivated to get to the gym, you are amazing!  I love that I don't have to get in my car to think about my decision to go to the gym... I step outside and BAM, I'm at my gym :)

I read this stat the other day and was really surprised...  Are New Year's Resolutions just a set up for failure?

In small group last night, Daniel asked us what our "goals for 2013" are.  He was saying one of the scariest things about verbalizing your goals and resolutions are the fact that whoever you tell will most likely hold you accountable, or at least ask you how it's going.

Setting a goal like:  "I'm not eating sweets all year" is just setting yourself up for failure! Be realistic... you will eat sweets and sweets aren't bad, if you're eating them in the right way in the right amounts.

I do love hearing the goals of my friends and family, there is nothing like the feeling of attaining a goal that seems so far and distant.

As you prepare for 2013, all of the goals, desires, passions, and resolutions... I hope you're surrounded by friends and family who are going to be your biggest fans and stand beside you, encouraging you to keep going!


What time do you wake up when you work-out/run?

What are your goals for 2013?

Would you rather run/workout at the gym or outside?

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