Monday, June 3, 2013

The 30 day Shakeology Challenge!

22 days ago I decided to take the 30 day Shakeology Challenge! 

A friend of mine recently became a Beachbody Coach and loved her results so much she began selling Shakeology along with other Beachbody products before her 30 day challenge was even up!  Last month, just a month into her coaching, she encouraged me to jump in and take the challenge!

As I said, I am 22 days into a 30 day Challenge and I was pretty skeptical at first, there was no way this shake was:

1) going to taste good
2) do anything that running wasn't already doing for me
3) and show results/changes in my body in 30 days

With the 30 day challenge, if you aren't satisfied you get your money back!  Where was the problem there?  If I didn't like it, I'd get my money back.  Seriously, those ridiculous before and after pictures on the late night infomercials can't possibly be right?!  We all know they're rigged and not the same people, right...

I decided to try the Tropical Strawberry blend and at first, I wasn't a big fan of the shake... until I found "my combination":

  • 1 scoop Shakeology Tropical Strawberry
  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 cup of 0% chobani greek yogurt
  • Alternating 1 cup frozen berries, frozen pineapple, or frozen peaches
  • 1 frozen ripe banana (this seems to smooth it out)
Perfect.  Like shaking the blender to get all of it out, good!  It wasn't until I was a week into the challenge that I began to notice non-physical changes.  

The BIGGEST and most noticeable change was the afternoon hours 2p-5pm.  I have ALWAYS struggled during the afternoons.  I get tired, irritable, and crash.  I often time would snack the most during the afternoon and crave sugary things.

I drink my shake around 1/1:30ish and am full, without cravings, until dinner time.  And when dinner time (5:30/6pm) rolls around, I'm not starving and scarfing food down.  I'm just ready to eat.  It's really amazing the change in how I feel for the afternoon into the early evening.

Maybe that's why the shake tastes so good to me, I know what it's going to do to my afternoon :)

Anyway... I'm wrapping up my 30 day Challenge and I have to be honest, I'm kinda sad.  

I have really enjoyed doing the Challenge Group on Facebook.  It's a private group of 4-7 people, where you check in daily, set goals, encourage each other, drink shakeology and have an exercise routine you keep.

The shakes have proven everything I thought wrong...

1) The shakes really are good
2) I have seen changes in my body that have happened since starting shakeology without changing my current running program
3) and I'm already a few inches smaller in my most troubled area... the lower abdomen, where I had my c-section and I actually am starting to see a baby arm muscle! WHAT?!  

So strange, there's never been a muscle there before!

So I'm wrapping up my Shakeology Challenge a little sad that it's over BUT I'm very excited because I've not only ordered my next 30 days of Shakeology (I'm going to try the Chocolate this time around) but I'm now a Beachbody Coach and selling Shakeology!

Not only that but I've purchased my very first workout program with Shaun T (creator of Insanity) called Hip-Hop Abs.  Seriously, I am SO PUMPED to have a dance party in my basement and see what kind of results I get this summer.  

If you want to take the 30 Day Shakeology Challenge, join a Challenge group, or just chat about Shakeology and if it's something that could work for you... drop me a message on Facebook, email me, or checkout my website.

At the end of my 30 day Challenge with Emily's group (June 11th), I'll be posting my before and after pictures, measurements, and thoughts.  

Who wants to do this with me?!

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