Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tri-umphant Triathlon Recap!

This morning I took on my FIRST Sprint Triathlon!  I've been training for the last 5 weeks and thought it would be a great way to change up my training.  As much as I love running, I've wanted to throw in some new things.

I recently added Shakeology & Hip-Hop Abs into my training routine along with cycling and swimming!  I've had a great time training for this race.  I honestly didn't really know how to train for it since I don't have a pool in my back yard and I'm not a fan of running on a treadmill, biking on a stationary bike, and swimming inside.  So, I just kind of winged it.  Running & cycling outside and throwing in swimming in the lap lanes at the pool we go to randomly.

I'm not necessarily an amazing swimmer but I can keep my head above the water. haha.

Talk about an exciting race!  I was surrounded by awesome local athletes, first timers like myself, veterans, marathoners, ultra runners, and so many more!  Everyone was encouraging and helping each other... I know I've said this before but the Running and Cycling community is beyond amazing, I am thankful to be part of it!

I had absolutely NO CLUE what to expect, this was my first Triathlon race.  BJ and Chad did their best to prepare me for it but until you've actually done one, hearing someone say; "It's SO easy, you're going to do great!" isn't that comforting because it's still unknown.

I've been training for a little over a month.  Cycling, swimming, and then doing a cycling/running combo several days a week.  I knew I was capable to swimming the 400 yards but I had not clue what my time was!  I think that was the most stressful part for me.  I didn't want to hold anyone back but didn't want to be that girl everyone passed.

Last night I had a great early dinner and got to bed by 10:30pm.  My alarm went off, bright and early, at 4:45am.  I got up and drank some black coffee and allowed my body to slowly wake up.

Breakfast:  2 pieces of Ezekiel Bread with tbsp soynut butter, black coffee, water

As I was eating, I sat listening to worship music and prayed the Lord would be with me as I took on this new adventure and race.  That he would calm my nerves and bring peace to me.

I double and triple checked my bag to make sure I had everything...
running shoes

The race started at 7:30am but I got to there early because I wanted to make sure I had everything together.  I found a great spot in the transition area and loaded up.  There were a few women around me who all started conversation, sharing their stories, and encouraging each other.

I couldn't have asked for better weather! It was overcast, cool, and a little breezy.  JUST perfect!

BJ put some air in my tires before I went into the pool area and got ready for the first leg of the race- the swim.

7:30 am is when the women started swimming.  Everyone started lining up according to their swimming pace.  Unfortunately, I had no clue how fast I could swim 400 yards but I knew it was my weakest out of the three so I went towards the back.  It was there I met a nice mom of 4, who had ran 8 marathons - including Boston, and was such an encouragement!  She made me go in front of her and cheered me on as I started my first sprint Triathlon!

BJ and Chad were able to make it into the swimming area to cheer me on (and for BJ to take some great and embarrassing pictures of me).  BJ also was able to catch me before I took off and give me some words of encouragement.  My chip didn't start until I hit the water and by the time I hopped in, it was close to 8 am.

I started with freestyle but realized I was using a lot more of my leg strength than I wanted to.  After 1 lane of swimming freestyle I went straight into breaststroke.

I knew I'd rely a lot more on my arms if I stayed in breaststroke.  Talk about congested... I got stuck behind a few people and had to go around them.  At a few points I had to stand up and run in the water past a section of people.  Once I hit that last lap, I got excited - the part I was most worried about was finished.

I transitioned out of the pool and went straight for my bike.  I had a small towel that I wiped my feet off with, they were covered in grass and I was obviously drenched.  There really is nothing WORSE then riding & running with chunks of grass and wet socks.  I took a GU at this transition and knew I'd have time to relax on the bike.  I didn't force the transition with the bike, I took my time and made sure I had everything.

The Bike Route was 2 laps- With the race being in Mason, it was great knowing where I was at and what elevations to expect. The course wasn't bad at all, it was familiar and nice and had two hills that definitely challenged me!!

My friend, Rachel, was also participating in the Tri.  She is an EXCELLENT swimmer so she was way ahead of me in the swimming line so she was on her 2nd lap when I started my first.  It was so nice to catch up with her and get a moment of conversation.  As I headed into my first lap, I passed Chad on his run and yelled out to him!

As I went into my 2nd lap on the ride, I was alone.  Where was everyone?!  I couldn't figure out if I was pacing well or behind.  I chose not to keep pace mainly because I didn't want to be too hard or disappointed if I wasn't where I wanted to be.  I just wanted to have fun.  Because I had started later into the swim, I just wasn't sure where I was at in the race.

I pulled into the transition area, put my bike back and drank some water.  It was in this time I walked for a bit.  That feeling after cycling for so long and going straight into can be discouraging, trying to find pace can get exhausting but I wanted to make sure I gave my body time to adjust.

As I began running I looked up to see Chad and BJ, right there cheering me on.  One of the guys handing out water said; "nice pace!" and I wasn't quite sure how to take that but I took it as encouragement that I was moving in the right direction.

The start of the 5k

Coming into the last mile, there BJ, Kim, and Eliza were cheering me on and yelling for me to push home!  I was so close, the finish line was right there!  I was able to pick up my pace and pass a few runners.

And push hard to make it to the finish line.
01:30:09 Finish Time

Overall place of women: 47 out of 101
Age group place: 9 out of 19

 400 yard swim: 11:26 minutes
12 mile bike: 48:03 minutes
 5k run: 27:21 minutes

Kim snapped one last victory shot of me after the race!  Thanks to Chad and BJ for training with me, Kim for letting me use all of her cycling gear, BJ for make-shifting a road bike for me, and for coming to cheer me on and support me in my first taste of a triathlon.

A Triathlon is DEFINITELY something I never thought I would ever do... But 18 months ago I couldn't even run a mile.  It was such a wonderful feeling taking on this challenge and pushing my body further than what I thought it could go.  The Lord is so awesome, He fills me with such JOY on my runs.  It is a pretty awesome feeling to set goals that seem so unattainable, bust your butt in training, and crush those goals with all your hard work!

"My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever."
~Psalm 73:26

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