Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Butterfly Show, Triathlon Training, and Shakeology Challenge Wrap-Up! Whew...

Butterfly Show
Cincinnati is a pretty awesome city!  There is seriously so much to do here and if you have children, the list gets even longer!  Every summer the Krohn Conservatory has a Butterfly Show and it's amazing!  There are crafts for the kids, a section to go through that shows you the stages of the butterflies, and all sorts of wonderful learning spots.

Savannah is a huge fan of insects, so I knew she'd be in heaven learning about them.  The greatest part though?  There is a huge room you go into and the butterflies LAND on you!  It's so wonderful!

We had a wonderful time with our friends, Chesney and Willow!  It was a great morning to explore and learn.

I am just a few weekends away from the Sprint Triathlon on June 30th!  My awesome friend and running buddy, BJ hooked me up with a fabulous road bike and gear! I have to say... I AM LOVING cycling!  I feel pretty blessed to have this gear and be able to use it!

Going from cycling to running is extremely crazy!  Ok, cycling alone was a CRAZY feeling at first.  BJ got a good laugh watching me get on that bike for the first time.  I was so wobbly and all over the road.  It is NOTHING like a mountain bike.  As BJ road next to me, he kept telling me to shift, and his bike was getting closer to my bike, and before I knew it I was panicked, over the curb and in the grass. HA!

My first solo ride went pretty well and now almost 2 weeks into riding, I'm feeling a lot more comfortable.  No crashes yet.  Still a bit wonky on the shifting but I am really enjoying the change in my workout on the bike.

Tuesday, Mile 9.3

Now, when it comes to transitioning into running... cycling takes on a whole new challenge for me.  The moment I get off that bike, take off my gear and put on my running gear (less than 5 minutes) and I begin running, I feel like I'm running in jello or quicksand for the first mile... My legs are so heavy!  It feels like an 11 minute pace when in reality, I am coming in at an 8 minute mile???

I definitely need more practice with that combo because if I can't get my pace controlled or my body strong enough to handle that pace, I'm going to be dead when I add in the swimming!

Speaking of swimming.... Tuesday I logged my first swim!  I have a feeling the swim will be the most difficult portion, THANK GOODNESS it's first!  As much as I love to swim, it is tough.  I really have to focus on using my upper body and core instead of my legs.  The last thing I want is to be exhausted and my legs to be shot for the bike and run portion.  On the upside, I haven't swam laps in several years... I was able to do 4 laps (200 meters - 1/4 of what we will be doing in the sprint) comfortably in 10 minutes.

I only got 10 minutes in because it was adult swim and that was the only way I could get Savannah to sit at the shallow end of the lap lane... otherwise, she's in the water.

I'm excited and a bit nervous for the race, it's new and different so I don't want to get too confident in myself.  It's so nice to be in the pool and get back into swimming.  I wish I could swim laps more often, I know I would really enjoy it.

My 30 day challenge with Shakeology has wrapped up!  Talk about an exciting 30 days... I really enjoyed the group I was in and my fabulous friend and coach, Emily did a great job! And even though our group never met in person... I learned a lot from the other girls and rejoiced in their health and fitness successes!

As I mentioned in my last post, I kept my same running routine and healthy diet and added Shakeology.  Within the first week, I absolutely LOVED the way I felt!  From the noticeable changes in my energy, the curbed sugar cravings, and of course... the results!

So... what was the total loss?!

Measurements before Shakeology 05/13/13 -

Bust:  32.3"

Waist:  32.2"

Hips: 38"

L Arm: 12.5"

R Arm: 12"

L Thigh:  22"

R Thigh: 22.5"

Weight- 148.3 lbs.

Measurements after 30 days of Shakeology 06/11/13 - 

Bust:  31.2"

Waist:  30"

Hips: 36.2"

L Arm: 11.5"

R Arm: 11"

L Thigh:  21"

R Thigh: 21.5"

Weight- 146.2 lbs.

My first Challenge Group as a Coach starts this coming Monday, June 17th!  I'm very excited to continue in my journey by adding a new Shakeology flavor - Chocolate (which is OUTSTANDING with 1 cup coconut water, 1/2 frozen banana, and a cup of ice) AND a new workout program... Hip-Hop abs with Shawn T!

Come on... you know you've wanted to try Hip-Hop Abs ;)

But MORE importantly, I am going to be helping others reach their health and fitness goals!  

And that is VERY exciting!

Getting healthy and strong has been so much fun!  I've never had muscles so those baby abs you see have been months and months AND MONTHS of hard work...  17 months of running and eating clean PRIOR to starting Shakeology!

If you're interested in joining a future Challenge Group, trying Shakeology, or any other Beachbody Products, feel free to email me , FB message me, or go to my Beachbody website to see if there's anything that interests you.

So many people have asked to see my very beginning photo or at least my stats prior to my life change... that day in January 2012 when I decided to lace up, start my weight loss journey, and begin training for the Chicago Marathon... 

Measurements 01/01/12 - 

Bust:  38.7"

Waist:  38"

Hips: 41.2"

L Arm: 14.6"

R Arm: 15"

L Thigh:  25"

R Thigh: 25.5"

Weight- 188.3 lbs.

I was unhealthy, unhappy, and didn't care what I ate or how it hurt my body.
I was addicted to food, emotionally ate, and thought I was too far gone to change my ways.

Thankfully, I have a family doctor who cares about me, my future as a wife and mother, and gave me some tough love in December 2010.  My cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure were off the charts and heart disease and diabetes runs high in my family.  My weight and height had me as obese and I was mortified.  He said; "Hillary, you HAVE to make some changes!"

This is NOT who I wanted to be.

I'm so thankful running found me... It has transformed me in many ways.  Not just physically but mentally and spiritually.  I love the time I get with the Lord on my runs.  The Lord has shown me that everything I have accomplished isn't in my own strength, I rely on Him to match my stride, push me, and help me finish goals I have set out.  I can do ALL things through Christ!

If you're interested in joining a Challenge Group, trying Shakeology, or any other Beachbody Products, feel free to email me , FB message me, or go to my Beachbody website to see if there's anything that interests you.

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