Monday, May 13, 2013

What a weekend!

Well, it wasn't the Mother's Day weekend I was hoping it would be...

After 14 months of great health, late Thursday night/Early Friday morning I was hit with the stomach flu!  Hard core stomach flu... I'll spare you the details ;)

Poor Allan and Savannah... Allan works 3rd shift so the fact that I was crawling back to bed around the time he was hoping to go to bed but had to stay awake to take care of Savannah just wasn't a great way to start our weekend!

As silly as this sounds, one of my FAVORITE things about Fridays is that it's my "errand day"... meaning, Allan has a day with Savannah and I go run all the errands... ALONE!  I go to the bank, grab a coffee, grocery shop, and pop into any store I want and look around or buy things that we need!  So all I could think about was how I wasn't going to have my "errand day", that I was going to be locked in our bedroom, sicker than sick!

Allan did a great job with Savannah but she just didn't understand.  She wanted to lay in bed with me, stay in the bathroom, and be with me while I was sick.  It truly is a testament to why we call her "sweet Savannah" because she truly has such a sweet and gentle spirit.  She prayed over me and refused to leave my side... that was until daddy offered to take her to dinner at Chipotle and then go to Jungle Jims that she left my side... I mean, who could resist that combination?!

I finally was able to keep water down by late afternoon and just laid lifeless in our bed... praying no one else caught this awfulness.  I woke up around 3 am Saturday morning and poor Savannah had been throwing up since 11 pm!  Allan had taken care of her so I could sleep and get rest.  Risking his own health, he didn't wake me up but let me sleep!  What a great dad!

After throwing all of her sick things in the laundry, I got her set up in my room.  After several hours of not being able to keep water down, Savannah finally stopped throwing up around 4 am Saturday morning.  It was a rough night.  Poor Savannah was exhausted.  We fell asleep and unfortunately, I had to wake up ready to clean!

Saturday morning, instead of resting... I opened every window and lysol-ed the crap out of my house!  I used lysol in the form of liquid, wipes, and spray!  Everything, I mean EVERYTHING was dripping with it.  I don't care if the chemicals are bad, I NEVER want to experience that again!  Although I wasn't 100%, once your kid is sick you really don't matter anymore.  As a mom I had to suck it up and start taking care of my kid.

I didn't want Allan to get sick so I let him sleep and just cleaned around him.  Thankfully, even though he took care of myself and Savannah, he missed the sickness!

Saturday we missed two of our friends First Birthday Parties :(  We were heartbroken!  But I wasn't about to be the one responsible for spreading this nastiness!  Saturday evening Savannah and shared my bed...

Sidebar- Parents who co-sleep with toddlers.  Bless.your.hearts!  Seriously, I have no clue how you do it.  Savannah's heels, knees, head were in my back all night long.  I do not think I could do that every night of the week.  It didn't matter WHERE in the bed I was, she found me!  I'd move her, within minutes she was on me again!  How does that happen?!

Sunday we made it to church but barely... Happy Mother's Day :)  I'm so thankful for my family and absolutely LOVE being Savannah's mommy!

We headed to my parents in the late afternoon with my mom & dad, granny, sister and her family, and my aunt Janet and her family.  I was feeling a lot better but definitely not 100%.

Dad and I logged 5.33 miles before eating and our Mother's Day Celebrations started!  I cannot tell you how great it felt logging miles... and it's always awesome logging miles with my dad!

While we run, I always push my dad to have conversation with me.  He cannot stand it ;)  Deanna, Chad, and BJ have taught me a lot about running and one of those key things is to be able to have conversation while running.

Many of you know my father is a heart-attack survivor.  Easter weekend, 2007 my father suffered a massive heart-attack and it is only by the grace of God that he is still here with us.  His cardiologist tells us he is the "poster-child" for heart-attack victims because he totally has changed his life and is all about a healthy life style!

Here's his before picture:                                  

                         Dad- March, 2006                        May, 2013                  

Dad ran his first 5k with me about a month ago, it was his first time running with a group and feeling that energy of a race.  He liked it :)  While we were running yesterday he told me he would like to take on his first half marathon and possibly even a full marathon next year and asked me to help!  I happily responded and said I'd help him train, prepare, and keep pace with him!   I'm really looking forward to taking this year and doing some new races for myself then turning the focus on my dad and helping him reach his goals!  What an exciting time training with him will be!

Post Marathon/ZERO WEEK - this past week was my zero week after the marathon.  Post-marathon my body felt great!  I was tight and sore in my hips but overall felt really great!  I had a wonderful recovery week but honestly couldn't WAIT to get back on the road and log some miles.

Wednesday evening was beautiful, Savannah and I jogged a mile then biked a mile.  It felt awesome!

Shakeology Adventure - heard of it?!  Well, my awesome friend Emily has challenged me to 30 days of Shakeology!  She swears by it, sells it, and is a coach!  Her results have been extremely impressive so I'm excited to see what it does for me and my training!  I just started my 30-day challenge this week and am pretty excited to experience first hand what she's talking about!

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