Tuesday, April 9, 2013

One of "those" runs...

Sunday I headed to Dayton to run in Chad's neighborhood.  This coming Sunday we run our LAST 20 miles then start tapering!!  I cannot believe it... The Flying Pig Marathon is so close!  I figured it would be good to change things up a bit and head up to his neck of the woods!  We were scheduled to run 12 miles so I thought to myself, easy peasy... you got this.

Boy was I WRONG...

Chad had me running crazy inclines immediately, no easing into them just slammed me with hills for the first 4-6 miles.  Not only that but it was 77 degrees and windy.  Now, I am NOT complaining about the weather BUT I clearly was not prepared for how warm 77 degrees was going to feel.  I was just drenched... on top of that Chad had me bouncing between running on sidewalks and grass!  Whoa, whoa, whoa... I did NOT sign up for this!  I honestly had no clue how comfortable I was on my back country roads and how mentally jacked up I would get running in an unfamiliar area.  Mile 4 and I was shot... Seriously.  I feel sorry for the students Chad coaches... he pushed me and I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it.

Ever have moments like that?  One of "those" runs when you think to yourself...you really need to give up, you are terrible and need to just go home!  It honestly took everything in me not to give up.  We passed Chad's house 3 times and I thought about giving up.  I longingly looked at my car and thought, just let Chad finish the miles, he'd be better off without you dragging him down.

When I hit mile 7 and I could have cried.

Sidebar - Let me tell you a little something about chafing... chafing hurts like no other and I learned a really hard lesson last summer as a newbie runner about it.   I learned the importance of Glide and how it will save your run and your life as a runner.  Since that time, I COVER myself in glide for every run, seriously.  There's no reason to risk chafing, that's how terrible it is and it seems to happen in the strangest places.

Mile 7 I was running out of water, drenched in sweat, hot, and confused to why I felt so awful.  Not only that but my runkeeper (mile/pace tracker) stopped and my music wouldn't work, and I had no clue where I was in mileage.  Ugh, it was me and the sidewalks...  I was completely out of control.   On top of all of this, I realized I forgot to put glide in a certain spot because all of the sudden the sweat was dripping into that area and starting burning... oh the pain!  I thought to myself, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID... how could you forget that spot?!

Miles 7-12 were just me talking to myself, getting through that mental battle of being in pain from chafing and oh... sunburnt.  I also didn't think it'd be necessary for sunscreen.  Wow, what a failure I was Sunday!

God gently reminded me, as He always does- "Hillary, I am your strength!  Get it together... walk if you have to but do not give up!  Keep pressing on, pushing forward, and finish the miles."  I kept telling myself you will NOT stop, you will NOT give up.

Chad had mapped out more than 12 miles so I once I hit 12.39 miles and started walking then pushed home and ran to 13.99 miles.  Chad was sitting on his porch eating an apple - that shows you how far ahead of me he was ;)  I still could have cried that's how exhausted, frustrated, and annoyed I was...

I sat on the porch...

sulked for a bit...

and sucked it up as one of "those" runs...

chafed and sunburnt.

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