Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Goodness!

So I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking when I scheduled my dentist appointment today... Let's be honest, there's never a good day to go to the dentist.  Unfortunately, I'm paying the piper after being afraid of going to the dentist for 4 years.  I found an amazing dentist who has taken great care of me and my fears BUT I needed a bunch of work... one being having my 5th wisdom tooth removed..

Nope, not an April fool's joke people.  I'm seriously just a freak of nature and had an extra wisdom tooth!  When I was a sophomore in High School I had my wisdom teeth removed, they found a 5th one in my sinus cavity but said it was too dangerous to get.  Well, 14 years later... it has cut through and ready to be removed. So today I bit the bullet and got it removed... so not fun!

Thankfully, I have an amazing mother-in-law who kept Savannah all day and took her out to lunch and shopping at Target.  I'm pretty tired and in some pain but no pain medication.  The numbing medicine is starting to wear off and it's not so fun :/  And I'm starving... So, I'm juicing and making green monster smoothies for calories since I can't eat much and icing my right cheek.  Savannah doesn't quite know what to do, she's not use to me being down.  If you're out our way, feel free to swing by and visit :)

Enough about my weirdness... who had an awesome Easter weekend?!

We did, we did!

For once, I didn't feel overwhelmed or like my day was so packed that I couldn't enjoy it. We had a nice quiet afternoon, grilled out with mom, dad, Natalie, Tony, the girls, and Allan's mom.  It was so nice to be in sweat pants, let the girls run around outside, bake, and just enjoy being together.

Family Picture- Easter 2013

Savannah with her Easter cupcakes!

This year Allan and I decided not to do Easter baskets.  At first I felt like such an awful parent... I wasn't going to be leaving "dirt tracks", hiding eggs, or organizing a basket.  I'm not going to lie, I was really bummed.  When we talk to Savannah about Easter, she never once has mentioned the Easter Bunny or baskets.  She talks about Jesus, waving palm branches, and an empty tomb.  Well, it doesn't get much simpler than that!  Once I realized it just wasn't important to her and that she understood the real meaning of Easter, it didn't matter anymore.  Talk about a non-stressful holiday.  The only pressure I had was waking up and getting us to church on time!

Easter Morning- 2013

Our church, Ambassadors' Pointe Community Church, had a sonrise breakfast at 8 am.  It was so nice getting to hang out before church and eat awesome food!  We had such a great service and Shawn preached a Resurrection sermon I have never heard before.  It was perfect.

Savannah and I with my sister and her girls.

I hope your Easter weekend was full of wonderful memories, delicious food, laughter, and celebrating our risen Lord!  This is a song we have started singing at church recently and it is so beautiful!  I absolutely LOVE it!

At the cross the work was finished
You were buried in the ground
But the grave could not contain You
For You wear the Victor's crown

~The Victor's Crown by Darlene Zschech

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