Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Perfect Body

Now that the weather is warming up and summer is officially on its way, Savannah and I are starting to work on our tans and are enjoying days at the pool!  Summer is so much fun, from cookouts to bon fires, long days at Kings Island and the pool, play dates at friends houses and going to the zoo... there are so many sweet memories made in these weeks.

Saturday, I was lucky enough to get a couple hours at the pool ALONE!  I'm pretty sure this is the first time since Savannah was born that I've been able to hit the pool by myself and it was AMAZING!  I got to soak up the sunshine without pacing the pool, running from the slide to the mushroom, to having a snack.  I just sat in a chair and soaked in everything around me.

One thing I am observing this summer, no matter what pool or water park I am at, that I cannot seem to overlook is the insecurity of the women around me...insecurities from strangers, friends, and even myself.  Almost a sizing up of sorts that happens from all women at the pool- admiring other mommies that have defined abs, boobs that fill a suit, butts that aren't sagging, flat stomachs, the cutest swim suit, so on.

No matter the size or shape of the women, every single one of us seems to have something we are insecure about on our own body.  You can see it in our eyes and behavior- wearing a coverup until it absolutely has to come off, covering up in a towel, asking friends if we're too "fat" for the suit we've purchased, and then pointing out the flaws in our own body.

Why do we do this?

As I looked around Saturday, I saw women admiring other attributes of the other women at the pool and listened them talk to their friends about their imperfections and it made me so sad.  Mainly because I've had the same conversations with my friends...

In my health & fitness journey I've learned that my body is far from perfect and no matter how hard I try, it will never be perfect and be pleasing to everyone.  Especially if I try to meet the standards of perfection our society has set... I have long, thick stretch marks that go from one hip to another from pregnancy, stretch marks on my inner thighs from weight gain then weight loss, I have 3 scars from an appendectomy on my stomach, and a small chest from 2 years of nursing and weight loss.  Why does that matter?  When I look in the mirror I shouldn't even be playing this comparison game, although it is my body - it belongs to the Lord and is a temple that I should be taking care of and have confidence in.

Why are we embarrassed about our stretch marks, sagging skin from past pregnancies or weight loss, thighs that touch, big hips, small chest, and so on?

Whose approval are we trying to receive?
Why do I need verbal affirmation from everyone to have confidence?

The ultimate goal should never be to have the perfect bikini body, the ultimate goal should be a love and respect for your body and health.  Taking steps forward, no matter how small, and working towards a healthier mind which ultimately leads to a healthier body.

So this summer I want to encourage you to not dread the swimming pool and putting your suit on.  Walk in confidence knowing you have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the perfect image of God.  Take pride in your health and those baby steps you're taking towards a healthier lifestyle, encourage one another, and support other women in your life to do the same thing!

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