Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy Running Anniversary to me!

Today marks my 2 year running anniversary!  The day I decided I was tired of being overweight, tired of food having no taste, tired of being uncomfortable in clothes, tired of being sick, exhausted, and lazy...

2 years ago I laced up my first pair of running shoes and drudged through my very first mile!  It was tough but oh so worth it!

2 years later I have accomplished more than I ever thought I was capable of-
  • one 5k race
  • two 10k races
  • one half marathon 
  • three full marathons
  • one sprint triathlon
In 2012 I logged around 925 miles so my 2013 running goal was to run 1200 miles...  

I finished 2013 with a total of (drumroll please).....

1206 MILES!!!  

Not too shabby for the girl who skipped the Mile Run in gym class every year ;)

To say running has changed my life would be an understatement.  Running opened up the door of routine for me... through routine, I have learned the importance of what a healthy daily diet looks like, the importance of food being my body's fuel not to abuse and indulge, and how to control portions and cravings.  To turn to other things - such as worship, prayer, running, and setting goals - as a way to get through things instead of binge eating.

At 31 years old, my fitness journey is getting started... 

I am so excited to push myself even farther and see what I can accomplish in 2014!
I absolutely LOVE helping others start their fitness journey though my 30 Day Challenge Groups, it is amazing who I can inspire to push harder! Who I can encourage to not give up!
But most importantly, it has been so awesome empowering women, helping them see that their VALUE and WORTH isn't found in a pant size or what the scale says...
 but in our HEALTH and the HEALTHY habits we create for ourselves and our families!

Beauty begins on the inside and what comes after that foundation is strength, power, and a feeling that is indescribable...

                                        January 2012                                              January 2014

In Honor of my 2 Year Running Anniversary -
A BIG BIG BIG Thank You to those I couldn't have been successful without:

1) Nicole - My fabulous sister in law who believed I could train and run a marathon!  Who gave me the encouragement and support to BEGIN my weight loss journey!

2) Deanna - An amazing running buddy who has given me advice, logged miles with me, and supported me through my running and fitness dreams and goals.

3) Chad - A great friend who has ran 2 marathons with me and trained with me through 3 marathons!  He's slowed down his pace, endured INSANE weather from freezing cold to blazing hot, and celebrated at finish lines with me!

4) BJ - A wonderful friend who has logged many miles and educated me and allowed me to borrow a road bike to take on my first sprint tri-athalon

5) Emily - A dear friend and Beachbody Coach who introduced me to Shakeology and Beachbody workout programs that have completely CHANGED the way I workout and pushed me into a whole new level of fitness.  I am so happy to be a coach with her and be on her team!

6) All my friends and family who have left me encouraging messages, texts, and showed up at races to support me in my health & fitness journey!

2014 is going to be great!  I am so thankful I am able to run, that I'm healthy and my body strong!

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