Sunday, September 27, 2015

What's Next Hillary?

I've spent the last 6 months learning my new role and position at the Landen YMCA as a Personal Trainer.  I've also been learning how to be a working mom, balance house chores, teach 1st grade, and function on 6 hours of sleep...

From my first interview with the Y I prayed that the Lord's hand would be in every aspect of my work & with the members.  If I were not meant to be there that He would close the door and give me peace- knowing that it wasn't my lack of abilities or talents but that it wasn't His will.

Thankfully, it was part of His great plan that I join the staff at the Landen YMCA and it has been awesome.  There are moments I fail miserably but overall the Lord has brought some of the most amazing people my way.  The staff I work with is wonderful and the members enjoy engaging in conversation!  God has blessed me above and beyond with clients that are kind, loving, and overall wonderful people.  The Landen YMCA has become more than just a job, it has become a family and community I truly enjoy to be with.  And I'm not just speaking for myself, Savannah as well has found herself a wonderful community within the Child Watch program and that makes me very happy!

 After sharing my Fitness Journey with a member they asked; "So, what's next?!"

That's been on my mind for a long time but with trying to get use to the new job, hours, and life as a part-time working homeschooling mom I wasn't sure what I was going to go after.  I've always wanted to build muscle and see what my body could do but when would I have time to get serious and start lifting heavy?

That question has hung around with me for a while... I talked to my sister about getting more defined and starting to lift seriously and what that would look like for me but I never moved on the idea.

Several weeks ago,  I met my friend Erin for coffee.  We were sitting outside of Winan's Coffee here in Maineville when 2 hours into our time together she said; "I need to tell you something really crazy... I'm looking into doing a bikini competition."

THAT'S IT..  that's my NEXT thing!  I looked at her and said; "I'm in!  That's exactly what I want to do!"

After a few weeks of research, chatting with our husbands, and getting in contact with a local Nutrition Company Erin and I had made the decision to compete in a local fitness competition this spring.

Before you X out of this blog because you're like, Hillary- that's so stupid.  I can't believe you're doing this.  Let me give you a little bit more...

If you've followed my health and fitness journey over the last 3 years, you know it has been not just a physical transformation but a spiritual transformation.  One that has exposed strongholds, spiritual weaknesses, and parts of my heart that are ugly and truly not given to the Lord for His control.

This winter I'll be launching a new Group Fitness class at the Landen YMCA called "RENEW YOU" which is a faith based group fitness class based off the Proverbs 31 Woman.  It's designed specifically for woman who are tired, worn out, exhausted, and feel like they don't have ANY time to make their personal fitness a priority.  The group fitness class with not just be a physical workout but it will be a renewal of the MIND & SPIRIT as well.  From worship music to prayer and words of affirmation - Renew You will strengthen women in their personal fitness journey!

I tell you that because the Lord has placed so strongly the importance of Health & Fitness in the lives of all women on my heart.  Competing in this competition is not about winning - competing in this competition is me fully surrendering my body to the Lord.  Pushing myself past what is comfortable.

Fasting from foods, habits, and behavior that distract me from choosing His presence and listening to Him.

Being strong in Him knowing it is only through His strength, His power, His word I will be successful.

Our health & fitness plays a BIG part in our personal relationships with the Lord yet it is often not discussed in our small groups, churches, and devotions.

The desire of my heart is that through this process, through my journey, through the tears, sacrifice, and trials that Christ will shine through me and it will empower other women to do bold things for the Lord.  That in all my actions and conversations HE will be glorified.  I will be transforming physically but also emotionally and spiritually and that as I move along in this journey everyone will see me but also see Christ!
Our competition is in the Spring 2016 and right now we are in the beginning phase of cutting fat and lifting heavy.  It's a new kind of eating, a new kind of working out, a lot of researching supplements, trusting an unknown process, and being sore.

Ultimately I am learning the pain of discipline & sacrifice in every aspect of my life.

If you'd like to follow us our hashtag for training, meal prep, and motivational quotes, and inspiration is #iownthiscuzheownsme

I own this because He owns me... it's our anthem when we've got nothing left to give but still have 3 reps to finish the set.  It's our strength when our legs can sprint any longer.  It's our encouragement when we see new muscles developing.  It's our heart beat when we can't find the time to get our workout in.  It is our reminder that we made a commitment, we set a goal and we will NOT be successful unless HE is in the center of it.

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